Torbay Aged Care and Retirement Village commenced operations in 1974 and consists of 159 Independent Living Units and associated recreational facilities and service centres, plus 134 care place Aged Care Facility. Torbay has been providing residential aged care services to the people of Hervey Bay since 1976 and has experienced significant change and growth.
Torbay’s operations has had to evolve in line with the needs of its residents, so that its team of specialist staff can continue to provide sustainable and outstanding services.
CBA has assisted this regional aged care provider secure federal government funding through the Business Improvement Fund (BIF) grant. CBA’s Business Development Consultant, Alicia Eugene assisted in the grant application process, coordination of all projects and reporting requirements to necessary government bodies.
CBA’s Principal Consultant, Patrick Herd worked alongside the Board, Interim CEO and management team to facilitate the development of the next three-year strategic plan, followed by the annual operational plan for the Interim CEO and management team.
CBA’s Human Resources Consultant, Ingrid Kemp with Aged Care Specialist, Raelene Phillips facilitated an organisational and operational restructure assisting the Board to transition to a new CEO, management and operational structure. In additional, Ingrid developed and implemented a Change Management strategy for the new CEO and management team.
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